Nikolas: Should I be?
Helena: Oh. Luke and Stefan Have already been here -- gloating. Oh, Luke was full of his usual forced witticisms and cute comments about my hair and my clothes. He called me pumpkin.
Nikolas: And -- and Stefan?
Helena: He cut off all my funds. And you'll be pleased to hear that I have been appointed a public defender. Barely past puberty and this is his first job, so unless you have something further to add, I will return to my pressed turkey dinner.
Nikolas: I didn't come here to gloat.
Helena: {Stands up} Then why did you come?
Gia walks into the Brownstone and over to Lucky
Lucky: Hey, what's up?
Gia: It's Nikolas.
Lucky: Is he ok?
Gia: I'm not sure. Look, something happened tonight and I don't know where he is.
Nikolas: {Waits for the guard to leave} I -- ahem -- I came to ask you about my father.
Helena: oh. I wondered how long it would take.
Nikolas: For what?
Helena: For you to feel the loss of your father.
Nikolas: I barely knew him, grandmother.
Helena: Because the Spencers robbed you of that chance.
Nikolas: No, you robbed me.
Helena: I loved my son.
Nikolas: You brought him back here so you could force him to take part in your games.
Helena: No one ever forced your father to do anything he didn't want.
Nikolas: He didn't care about your vengeance, grandmother. He wanted to be a father o me. And I guess that he thought maybe he could've changed, maybe he could've been a father, but you wouldn't let him.
Helena:: Your father was everything he ever wanted to be.
Nikolas: I -- don't -- I don't buy this, I'm sorry.
Helena:: When you put on your charade of being the true Cassadine prince, I believed you. Not because I'm naive. Nikolas, I saw your father in you. Now, you can deny it If you want. But the Stavros that I knew, the Stavros that I loved is very much a part of you. You'll never be rid of him.
Nikolas: What's that supposed to mean?
Gia: Someone was saying what a monster Stavros Cassadine war and then everyone started agreeing.
Lucky: How did Nikolas react to that?
Gia: he got very quiet and I could tell that it was bothering him and then he left the middle of dessert.
Lucky: Did he say where he was going?
Gia: Not a word. Lucky, I am so worried about him. I mean, I know Stavros was a monster, but he is still Nikolas’ father.
Lucky: Yeah, yeah. You know what? I think I know where he is. Come on.
Gia: What, are you sure you want to leave? I mean, your mom and dad look pretty upset.
Lucky: Yeah. They'll work it out. come on, let's go. {They leave}
Helena: Nikolas, your father is not dead in your heart. Oh, you're not the plodding, predictable boy that Laura Spencer has tried so hard to mold you into. You can't deny your father's legacy.
Nikolas: Maybe he loved my mother because of what she was. Maybe there was some side of him that thought he could become a better person.
Helena: Oh. Nikolas, why do you fight it so hard?
Nikolas: I'm trying to make sense of it all, all right?
Helena: Then admit it. You are different than the Spencers. You have a destiny to fulfill. And you knew it when you played the prince with me. Now, it was confirmed when you finally met your father.
Nikolas: I'm happy with the life I have.
Helena: The narrow, middle-class existence that they want you to lead? Oh, Nikolas. Once you follow that path, you'll never be content. You'll always know that there's more for you, a side of yourself that you're denying. And you know in your soul that I'm right. You feel it as surely as you feel your heart beating.
Lucky: {Guard lets him and Gia in} Don't believe a word of it, Nikolas.
Nikolas hugs Gia
Helena: Well, you see? Even your friends knew you'd come see me.
Gia: Don't listen to her, Nikolas.
Lucky: You're out of tricks, Helena. It's over.
Gia: {Walks over to Helena} You know, if your deluded enough to still believe that your voodoo still works, you're going to have to try it out on the inmates upstate. {Lucky chuckles}
Helena: Nikolas came to see me on his own free will.
Gia: Nikolas has been onto you from the very start. You have no hold on him. You never have.
Helena:: Tell them. Tell them you're a Cassadine. {Gia and Lucky look at Nikolas}
Nikolas: {Moves closer to Helena} Good-bye, grandmother. Enjoy your turkey.
Helena: Our discussion's not over.
Nikolas: Yes, it is.
Helena: I love you, Nikolas. And should you change your mind, you're always welcome to come back and see me.
Nikolas: Well, you're where you belong, justice has been served. There's really nothing more to say.
Gia: Let's go.
Nikolas: Guard? {They leave and go outside the cell area}
Lucky: You know she's feeding you a load of crock! You're not a Cassadine. Not like she means. Your family's us, Alexis, and Stefan. That's the bottom line.
Gia: You're free, Nikolas. Helena and Stavros are gone forever.
Nikolas: I know. I know.