Gia: Will you forget the hair and thank me for picking out what you're wearing because you actually look really hot.
Elizabeth: Oh, don't sound too amazed.
Gia: What, are you kidding? I'm jealous.
Elizabeth: That's a new one.
Gia: Your biggest challenge is getting dressed for a date with Lucky, and I'm about to face serious fashion dilemmas like what to wear to the royal Albert hall in London.
Elizabeth: You got invited to the royal Albert hall?
Gia: Yeah, it's a prince's trust benefit rock concert. It's one of a jillion invitations that have been pouring in. It's pretty overwhelming. What am I supposed to wear to a rock concert with royalty?
Elizabeth: I have no idea.
Gia: Me, neither. I mean, not that I'm comparing a fashion dilemma to what you're going through with lucky. I'm just saying that we've both been going through serious, major adjustments.
Elizabeth: I know you and Nikolas have been dealing with a lot, too.
Gia: Well, nothing compared to what you and Lucky are going through, which is why I know Nikolas and I will make it. If that sounds like I'm gloating --
Elizabeth: I'm glad things have worked out for you.
Gia: Thanks. You know, it can be pretty hard work loving a prince, but I'll struggle through it somehow.
Lucky: {Nikolas tries to grab the letter} Come on, let it burn!
Nikolas: Let go of me right now!
Lucky: Or what? You going to hit me? Over a piece of paper from a psychopath? What the hell is wrong with you, Nikolas?
Nikolas: He saved my life, Lucky. He set me free in Helena's lab.
Lucky: You were going to get out anyway.
Nikolas: He was my father, all right? In his own way, he loved me.
Lucky: Oh, my gosh, Nikolas, tell me you're not falling for this crap.
Lucky: You know, Nikolas, you almost -- almost sounded just like Helena right there. Talking about how Stavros was some sort of devoted father.
Nikolas: I said he loved me.
Lucky: He was a sicko. He kidnapped our mother. He almost killed my father, and to top it off, seduced your own girlfriend. And now you're acting like you're sorry that he's dead.
Nikolas: You didn't see the same side of him that I did.
Lucky: It was an act, Nikolas! He played you like a puppet, and you fell for it.
Nikolas: Is it so impossible to believe that my father may have one, just one single redeeming quality?
Lucky: Stavros was evil. Evil. He did terrible things. Are you denying that?
Nikolas: No, I am not! I'm simply saying that maybe one small part of him was not like that. The man cared about me. He looked in my eyes and told me he loved me.
Lucky: Of course he did.
Nikolas: It added up -- the things he said to me and to Gia, the photo of him holding me as a baby. I'm not naive! {Walks over to the fireplace}
Lucky: Ok, well, you were looking for a father. You wanted him to love you. I get that.
Nikolas: You don't get that, Lucky! I could stand here and try and convince you until I am blue in the face! It goes in one ear and out the other, but you're not listening! You've made up your mind!
Lucky: Ok. Ok, you think Stavros' love for you was the real deal? I think it was phony. But no matter what it was, you can't erase all the damage that he did. The world is a better place because that guy's gone. Now, what's this all worth anyway? Your father's dead. The letter is in ashes right now. It's not even worth thinking about.
Nikolas: You know, I think you should get going. I don't want you to be late for your date with Elizabeth. {Walks over to the desk and Lucky follows him}
Lucky: You know I'm only saying this, Nikolas, because I love you. Because I care about you. Because I want you to have a great life, man. I want you to have a life without regrets.
Nikolas: I know that.
Lucky: So what are you going to do? You're going to -- you're going to come with us?
Nikolas: I can't, man. I've got all this paperwork to do. I'm sorry. {Laura walks in} Hey, hey.
Laura: Lucky, Nikolas, hi.
Nikolas: How was your trip?
Lucky: Hi.
Laura: It was good. I'm so glad to see both of you.
Nikolas: Yes.
Laura: Hi, honey.
Lucky: Hi.
Laura: I'm Ok. Are you all right?
Lucky: Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. You know, I hate to say hi and run, but I've got a date with Elizabeth that I'm already running late for right now. Make sure you tell dad I said hi.
Laura: Your dad's still on the road.
Lucky: Where'd he go?
Laura: I don't know. Don't worry about it. I'm sure he'll be back soon. You go ahead and have fun with Elizabeth.
Lucky: All right. {He leaves}
Laura: {Turns to Nikolas} Something's wrong. Tell me.
Laura: So what was all that about a date?
Nikolas: Oh, well, Lucky wants to start over with Elizabeth. He's hoping his love will come back if they -- I don't know -- take it from the beginning again.
Laura: And Elizabeth agreed?
Nikolas: Well, she thinks it's worth a try, so they've decided to see each other without, you know, any pressure and see what happens.
Laura: And you think that's a mistake?
Nikolas: Not at all. Why?
Laura: Well, I don't know. It just seemed like you were having some kind of a disagreement.
Nikolas: No, it was just brother stuff.
Laura: Oh. What is he so upset about, then?
Nikolas: I think he's having a hard time adapting to the new getup -- the suit and the tie.
Laura: Uh-huh.
Nikolas: And me, you know, running the estate.
Laura: Yeah. You know, I can certainly understand why Lucky would have a problem with that, Nikolas.
Nikolas: I can, too. I can, too. I guess it's -- he thinks I'm working too hard.
Laura: Well, maybe he has a point. I mean, he is out having fun with Elizabeth, and you're stuck here with all this work.
Nikolas: Well, there is a lot to do.
Laura: Nikolas, is this what you really want?
Nikolas: Do I have a choice? I am a Cassadine, right?
Gia: {Knock on the door} Come in. Hey, Lucky.
Lucky: Hi.
Gia: Elizabeth will be back in a minute.
Lucky: Where'd she go?
Gia: I'm not sure. Something about a surprise for you. You know, you're late, by the way. Is that how you treat a woman you're interested in?
Lucky: Ah -- actually, I got hung up at Wyndemere.
Gia: Oh, you went to see Nikolas?
Lucky: Yeah. I was hoping maybe you guys would come with us, you know.
Gia: He said no?
Lucky: You know the night Elizabeth and I were supposed to get married? You told her that I didn't love her.
Gia: Lucky, I never meant to hurt anyone. I honestly believed that Elizabeth deserved to know the truth.
Lucky: Yeah. Then so do you.
Gia: What do you mean? Did something happen with Nikolas?
Lucky: Nikolas had been thinking about Stavros. Just now, I swear that he was actually missing the guy.
Lucky: Nikolas almost took my head off.
Gia: Lucky, the letter you burned was from his father on the day Nikolas was born. He had a right to keep it.
Lucky: No, it was a forgery from Helena. The point is Nikolas fell for it. He actually believes that Stavros still loves him.
Gia: Nikolas knows what Stavros was really like.
Lucky: Gia, he was defending Stavros.
Gia: Nikolas is totally aware that his father was a horrible man. He hates that side of him, Ok? But he also feels like there was a small part of Stavros that really loved him.
Lucky: Oh, man. You know, you're starting to sound like Nikolas.
Gia: Lucky, I knew Stavros, and I think maybe it was true. I mean, yes he was a monster, but a small piece of him did really have love for his son.
Lucky: Wait, what are you saying? That he wants Stavros to become alive all of a sudden so he can have some sort of warm and fuzzy relationship, father-son thing?
Gia: No, no, he is relieved that the whole thing is over.
Lucky: You could have fooled me.
Gia: Lucky, I live with Nikolas. I sleep next to him. He has nightmares about his father, and he wakes up in cold sweats, Ok? His greatest fear is that he's going to become just like his father. But that's impossible. But he guards against it every minute of every day.
Lucky: He's running the Cassadine estate, Gia! Most of his time is going to be caught up in family matters. You watch, wait. You'll see, the past will start sneaking up on him, and before you know it, there's going to be all sorts of havoc!
Gia: Lucky, it's money! Money is not good or bad until someone uses it. And we both know that Nikolas plans to do good with it. But what was he supposed to do, just throw the whole fortune away when we both know that there's a chance he can do good things with it?
Lucky: You know, I just want my brother to be happy, that's all. And from what I can see, that's not going to happen until he can steer clear from the Cassadines for good.
Laura: Stefan left me a note explaining his decision to move to Milan. And I can certainly understand why he wanted to, but I think that it left you with a really unfair
Nikolas: Well, he has trained me for years to run the estate. I know what I'm doing.
Laura: I know that. It's just that, you know, if you're going to be completely overwhelmed with work now --
Nikolas: You knew I was taking over. It was announced at the party.
Laura: Right, right, but at that point, I thought that Stefan would be staying here to help you with all of it. I mean, for god's sakes, it's a tremendous responsibility. Nobody could be completely prepared that.
Nikolas: So are you telling me that you don't think I can handle it?
Laura: {Nikolas listens to Laura} No. No, no, no, I'm not saying that at all. No, I think you could do anything you made up your mind to do. It's just that you're still young, Nikolas. You know, you and Gia are just starting your lives together, and I would like you to have some time to enjoy that.
Nikolas: Are you asking me to give up my inheritance?
Laura: No, I'm asking you not to let it drag you down.
Nikolas: I promise you, I will manage, ok?
Laura: You don't have to manage. That's my point. You could always call Stefan. You could ask him to come back and return the estate to his control. You see, protecting innocence is sonny's one fatal weakness. And Courtney is as innocent as they come.
Nikolas: Stefan is finally free. I can't ask him to come back.
Laura: But he would if he thought you needed help.
Nikolas: But, see, that's the thing. I don't. Yes, it is very overwhelming at times, but I'm actually beginning to enjoy it. Besides, Gia is looking forward to the extra perks -- socializing, traveling to other countries.
Laura: Oh, Nikolas, Gia doesn't love you because you're a prince.
Nikolas: Well, I know that, Ok? But the fact remains -- I am.
Laura: Ok. So how are you adjusting to this new role?
Nikolas: Very well, actually. And to prove it, I am willing to drop all of this paperwork and take you out to dinner right now. What do you say?
Laura: Oh. Well, I like that.
Nikolas: {Phone rings and he goes to answer it} Good. Give me two seconds. Nikolas Cassadine. Well, we need that subsidiary to round out our portfolios. I don't care. I want that company and I plan to get it. Well, they need to know that Nikolas Cassadine does not negotiate. I take what I want. Now, let me know when the deal's done. {Laura looks at him} You all right? What's -- what's wrong?
Laura: I just got a little startled, that's all.
Nikolas: You were staring at me like you had seen a ghost or something -- or my father. That's it.