December 31st, 2001
"Lucky doesn't love
you anymore."
Elizabeth: What do you mean, it's not set for
the wedding? What's wrong?
Gia: Maybe I'm overreacting--
Nikolas: Gia's just feeling queasy.
Elizabeth: Oh--are you--
Gia: No, no, no. God, no.
Nikolas: God, no, she's just--she gets
seasick, right?
Elizabeth: Wait--haven't you been living on the
yacht for weeks?
Gia: Well, when the wind changes direction
Nikolas: You need some air. {He goes to get
her coat} That's exactly what you need. And don't you worry, I will make
sure the groom gets ready on time. {Hands Gia's coat to her} And you remember
for the next hour this is not about you--
Gia: Oh, trust me--
Nikolas: This is about helping the
Gia: The bride is all I'm thinking
Elizabeth: And the bride is too excited to stand
here for another second, so let's get the show on the road. Come on.
{Her and Lucky step to the side and Gia looks at Nikolas} See you at the other
end of the aisle.
Lucky: Yes.
Elizabeht: No cold feet?
Lucky: Nope.
Elizabeth: All right. {She kisses him and then
looks at Gia} Gia? {The girls leave}
Lucky: {Walks over to Nikolas} You told Gia that I
don't love Elizabeth, didn't you?
Nikolas: Lucky, she came close to figuring it out
on her own, all right? Now, l ook, let's not get sidetracked.
There's still enough time to stop this wedding. Ok, I know that we can
make Elizabeth understand, but, Lucky, we have to do that right
Lucky: You're my best man and my brother.
You're supposed to be supporting me, not coming up with some way or plan for me
to bail!
Nikolas: Hey. {Lucky throws his coat and gets
angry} I am supporting you, Lucky. Calm down. {Walks closer to him} I am
supporting you. Not just as your best man but as your brother and one of
Elizabeth's closest friends. Look at me. You're about to walk down
the aisle and pledge your eternal love to a woman you only like. Ok?
She loves you too much to deserve that.
Lucky: Did you see the look in her eye? Did
you see how excited she was, Nikolas? You want me to go break her heart
like that?
Nikolas: I want you to be honest. That's
what I want. Look, I'm not telling you to cancel the wedding. All
right? All I'm saying is I think Elizabeth deserves to know the
truth. She loves a man who doesn't love her as much as she loves
him. You know? She's young, she's talented, brave. She
has her whole life ahead of her, just like you. Let her be the
one to decide if she wants to marry into something like that. If you want
to cheat yourself, that's your call, ok. But I think you're cheating
Elizabeth. So you tell me, is that what you want?
Luke and Laura try to get a kiss in between all
the craziness at the house; The doorbell rings and it's Elizabeth and
Luke: Go away, we're busy!
Gia: The bride is here.
Lucky: {Walks toward Nikolas} I know Elizabeth
better than anybody. I know her better than her parents, who shipped her
off to her grandmother because they had other priorities. I know her
better than her sister, who said that she loves her. But she doesn't get
Elizabeth. Neither does her grandmother. And I know her better than
you do.
Nikolas: Than you would know that she would want
you to be honest before this wedding.
Lucky: No. Elizabeth has a history of people
bailing on her, including myself.
Nikolas: I know that, Lucky, but that's not your
Lucky: {Walks around Nikolas} Like that
matters? Like it's any less painful for Elizabeth. One day I'm like,
"I'll see you in the morning," then I just disappear for .....{Tape cut out} and
I start treating her like I'm a pal. Do you know how much that hurt
her? {Tape cut out again} Permanent lock. Just like I said in
that chapel a million lifetimes ago. Permanent lock. Do you have any idea
what that means? It means that I'm never going to leave Elizabeth until
the day that I die. Till death do us part.
Gia: {Putting on Elizabeth's makeup} You look
gorgeous, like someone's dream date for New Year's eve.
Elizabeth: Oh. Well, that someone would be
Lucky, and I'm not just a date, I'm a bride. {Set down the makeup brush} Are we done already?
Gia: You know, Elizabeth, you have every reason in
the world to call this wedding off.
Elizabeth: {Gets up from the bed} What are you
talking about?
Gia: Look, if I were about to be married like,
this, I'd want someone to stop me, ok? I just think there's
something important missing, something the bride really needs.
Elizabeth: Gia, all I need is Lucky. We said
our vows a few years in a little chapel with just the two of us. We don't
need anymore preparation or frills. Honestly, my hair can be lopsided, my
dress could be all wrong--
Gia: Look, Elizabeth, I know you think I'm
shallow. But, honestly, this is not about shallow things. I wouldn't
tell you to delay your wedding on account of a bad hair day.
Elizabeth: {Walks closer to Gia} Ok, then why
don't you tell me what it is you think I'm missing--keeping in mind that I am
about to marry the only man I will ever love.
Gia: Your family is missing. I mean, they'll
be devastated when they find out you were married without them.
Elizabeth: Well, my sister probably, but my
brother, no, and I hightly doubt my mom and dad.
Gia: Ok, well, you may think that now, but when
you look back--
Elizabeth: {Knock on the door} Come
Laura: Hello. Are you ready for a little
Elizabeth: {Glances at Gia} Gia certainly
Laura: We're here for that "something old,
something new, something borrowed, something blue" thing.
Elizabeth: Ok.
Audrey: Gia, could you take this for me,
please? {She hands Gia the box} First of all, you look absolutely
Elizabeth: Well, thank you.
Audrey: Elizabeth, your grandfather gave these to
me. He bought them in Paris. It was--it was one of those magical
days, and he wanted us to have something to remember it by. So we wandered
all the back streets of Paris and came upon these in a little antique
shop. And he used to always say that these were my Paris pearls.
Darling, I thought maybe you could wear them as something old. And then if
you would keep them as a reminder of your own very magical day, from your
grandfather and me.
Elizabeth: Oh, Gram. I love them.
They're--they're so beautiful. Will someone put them on
Laura: Let me see.
Audrey: Would you please?
Laura: Yes, yes, yes. Such a tiny, little
Lesley: They are just lovely.
Audrey: Oh, I think they're going to be
Laura: Here we go.
Audrey: Lovely.
Lesley: Turn around, turn around.
Laura: Oh, wow!
Audrey: Oh, they look beautiful,
Lesley: And for something new, Laura and I got you
Laura: I carried one on my wedding day, mom
carried one on hers. And now you're carrying on the
Elizabeth: You guys, it's beautiful. It's so
beautiful. Thank you.
Lesley: You are a very precious girl, and we just
love having you in our family. {Hugs Elizabeth}
Elizabeth: Ok, guys, stop before my mascara
Lesley: Oh, darling.
Gia: And for something borrowed, this bracelet has
a lot of love in it, and I want you to wear it for good luck.
Audrey: Beautiful.
Elizabeth: Gia, thank you. {Gia puts on the
Lesley: Sparkly.
Laura: Oh, it's very, very sparkly.
Lesley: That's so sweet.
Bobbie: It's beautiful. And for something
Elizabeth: Can you hold this?
Lesley: Yes, of course.
Elizabeth: Ok. Oh, my God. {Takes the
lingerie out of the box and turns around}
Lucky: Elizabeth has the best smile. She can
light up a room with that smile. It's almost as if she's lit from
within. {Looking at pictures with Nikolas} I can't wait to see that, hear
her laughing again. Look at her in this one, man. Look at that
laugh. See? Look at that stupid look on my face. Did you take
this picture? No, no, Emily took this picture. You were barking
Nikolas: I do not bark.
Lucky: No, no, no, I distinctly remember you
barking instructions. Emily said so at the time. Actually, I
remember everything from that night--what we ate, what we said, the jokes.
The rest of it can't be permamently lost. It's going to come back,
Nikolas. I believe that. I need you to believe that for me, too,
Nikolas: You're right. Everything else fell
into place, and this last thing will, too. All right? {He stands up} So anything
I can do to help, not just stand up for you tonight--
Lucky: No, no, you don't have to say it. You
don't have to say it. I know I can count on you.
Nikolas: I'm proud of you. {He hugs
him} You know what? You better finish getting read. We got to
get moving.
Lucky: All right.
Nikolas: All right.
Luke: {Walks in the room} Not until you've heard
from me.
Lucky gets an advice talk from Luke about
Nikolas walks back in the room
Nikolas: Is it safe to come out yet?
Lucky: Yeah. Yeah, plase come in
Nikolas: Well, we need to get
Luke: Yeah. {Shakes Nikolas' hand} How's the best
Nikolas: Oh, Luke, I never thought I'd hear you
say that. Huh?
Luke: {Turns to Lucky} All right, I have one last
bit of sage advice. The way to stay happy in a marriage is to love your
wife. Love her like crazy. And keep that toilet seat down. {He
Lucky: Thanks, dad. {Nikolas looks at
Gia: {Smoothing out Elizabeth's dress} Ok, just
bear with me one second longer. {Stands up} You're absolutely
Elizabeth: {Goes and looks at herself in the
mirror and then turns around} No, I'm not. I have made countless
mistakes--like tonight, for instance. And I--I need you to help me fix
this one.
Nikolas: When you arrive in Paris, you will be met
at the airport by a driver. He will take you to the hotel George
Lucky: Oh, that should be pretty easy to
remember. "Did George swim? No, George sank."
Nikolas: That's cute. Where you will have
the bridal sweet.
Lucky: What do you mean? It wasn't booked
Nikolas: Well, the other couple was more than
happy to accept the deal I offered.
Lucky: {Walks around Nikolas} This is
Elizabeth's dream.
Nikolas: And hopefully yours.
Lucky: I can't believe you did all this. I
don't even know what to say.
Nikolas: No, listen, you don't have to say
anything, all right? Just enjoy it.
Lucky: Then let's go get me married,
Nikolas: Ok.
Lucky: All right.
Elizabeth: I keep seling you short, but you keep
proving me wrong. Gia, Nikols is one of my best friends. To most
people, he's just a handsome prince, but to me, he's always been someone I can
count on. He's amazingly kind and considerate and generous. And all
I want is for the woman who marries him to love him for his heart, the way that
Lucky and I love each other. I've accused you of loving Nikolas for the
things that he can give you, but I can now see that you love him in spite
of all his royalties. It's all about love or nothing at all, right?
Because nothing else matter. I mean, the limousines, the yachts, the
fairy-tale weddings, the amazing engagement rings-- they're all great, but it's
not the reason you marry a man. You marry him for love. Becasuse
everything can just-- can just go away. And I know that I would not be
standing here in this beautiful dress with my grandmother's pearls around my
kneck if I didn't love Lucky with all of my heart and soul and know that he
loves me back. I wouldn't be getting ready to walk out that door
Gia: Elizabeth, you shouldn't. Look, Lucky
does not love you anymore.
Elizabeth: {Walks over to Gia} What did you
Gia: Lucky doesn't love you anymore.